Monday, May 31, 2010

This morning something hit me... panic, really. Life is going by too fast!

In the last two weeks a couple big things happened: Ray and I became engaged and I turned 26. Sure, the engagement is huge news, and rightfully prompts dreams and plans for the future. But turning 26, although not much different than turning 25, just makes me feel so much older.

Life is going by too fast and I'm afraid our present will soon become a distant memory.

In an effort to remember this part of our lives, I've resolved to update this blog more regularly. Because, in all honesty, I adore my life. It's exactly the life I've always wanted to live and I know it's just going to get better. I have the most amazing boyfriend/fiance/best friend/partner in crime. We have two silly cats and the world's sweetest pup. The future is bright for our little family. Big things are looming on the horizon and I can't help but feel our simple life slipping away.

So here's to a new resolution and remembering how beautiful the little things are.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Blog

Well, I just set up this blog as a way for family and friends to see what Ray and I are up to these days... hopefully I'll be able to update it on a regular basis!